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• Using criminological terms and concepts describe a hypothetical crime problem in a specific area or jurisdiction type.
• Using the concepts and techniques you have learned during this course include details and discussion as to frequency of occurrence, patterns of offending, patterns of victimization and enough supporting detail to inform a coordinated law enforcement response.
• Discuss the crime mapping methods that would be employed to identify this information. You should incorporate a theoretical component to your paper to help inform this response to your identified problem.
• Describe what policing enforcement methods that would be most effective at reducing the frequency or severity of these offenses. Include discussion of any types of CPTED concepts such as alley gating, defensible space or others that might be also employed to deter or mitigate these types of offenses.
• Discuss any technologies that might be employed to identify or address the identified problem. Research and include a real example of an enforcement method that has been successful in addressing a similar problem as the hypothetical example you created.


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