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Compare and contrast two different cities and towns in Rhode Island during the same Fiscal Year. You can also compare the State of Rhode Island CAFR’s for two different Fiscal Years. Cities/towns, as well as the State’s Annual Report can be found online. Because of Covid-19, some cities/towns might not have uploaded their final report. Therefore, you may choose the prior years and compare them. Ex. City of Cranston 2022 vs. City of Providence 2022 Or Ex. State of Rhode Island 2021 vs. State of Rhode Island 2022
• Look at the city/town’s financial situation. • Talk about the financial history and financial future of the city/town. • Summarize the CAFR’s MD&A & emphasize the imperative points. • Compare the cities/towns as a potential investor wanting to build and live in the city/state. o Would you want to invest in the city? Why? Why not? • Compare the cities/towns cash, debt, liabilities, pension systems, and everything else you think is imperative to compare. • Some ratios, such as the quick ratio and debt to equity ratio, are two examples of ratios that can help from a number’s standpoint. • Has the city/town been impacted by the State or Country issues? Financially’? • Any financial risk for the city/town? • Talk about any significant issues you think are and will impact the city/town. • Would you live in the cities/towns? Would you live in the state? • Are you surprised by anything in the CAFR? • Outlook because of Covid-19. • In conclusion, your final thoughts about the city/town & its fiscal overview.

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