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Greatest strengths and need areas of your community, how you assessed the areas of strength and need, and the priority for the need areas
Strongest and weakest health participants in your community (e.g., hospitals, clinics, etc.)
Existing community programs that likely cost the most and likely cost the least
Most effective and least effective community health programs
Most effective and least effective local hospital health programs
Factors in your community that exist to support your efforts (e.g., existing health coalitions, mayors support, etc.)
Challenges that your community faces in taking action (e.g., geographic location, population makeup, budget, etc.)
National organizations that would likely show interest in supporting your need areas
Describe how you collected data on the social and/or multiple determinants of health and/or health inequities in your analysis
Include how you would approach your local health department with your findings
Include how you would disseminate your findings to the community
Include how you would engage community partners in your efforts
Describe how you would utilize quality improvement tools to sustain and/or maintain any changes you implement
Identify some areas for improvement in your Final Project
Identify the greatest strength of your Final Project
Identify the greatest challenge in completing your Final Project
For your community health systems analysis you will

Identify community strengths and areas for improvement.
Identify the status of community health needs.
Define improvement areas to guide the community towards population-based strategies that create a healthier environment (e.g., increased physical activity, improved nutrition, reduced tobacco use and exposure, and chronic disease management).
Prioritize community needs, and consider appropriate allocation of available resources.
Must include intro and conclusion

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