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Judicial Process Week 1 Assignment

Intersection of Law and Politics

Using the Internet locate the case Obergfell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. ___ (2015).

(The full-length opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court is attached, you do NOT have to read the dissenting opinions). For your convenience I have also attached the .

1.  In one page, summarize the Courts decision and reasoning for the decision.

2.  How does the Courts decision illustrate the intersection of law and politics?

3.  What are the legal ramifications of the Courts decision? What about the political ramifications?

Your submission should adhere to the following guidelines:

 The total length of your paper should be a minimum of 3 full pages in length.

 Use APA style for general formatting, including margins, font type and font size, spacing, and cover page.

 Include Bluebook formatted citations within the body of the paper and on the References page.

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