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Revisit the mini-case study Peppercorn Dining from Module 7, and review the discussion posts in response to each mini-case question. How consultants see organizational issues will, in part, determine how the feedback process will be designed. Choosing a diagnostic/analytic model is no small issue. There is no evidence in the case that a particular diagnostic model is driving the data collection process (a potential problem), and there are at least two models that would work. First, the consultants could use an individual based model—such as the one described in Chapter 5. For each job at Peppercorn, the consultants could ask what their data reveals about task identity, skill variety, task significance, autonomy, and feedback in the context of Peppercorn’s structure. But this is a more limited perspective and not as good a choice. Perhaps more relevant in this case, would be an organization-level diagnostic model such as the one presented in Chapter 5.
Now you are asked to provide details regarding what concepts or models might help you analyze the data? What conclusions would you draw from the analysis?
Assignment Task:
Using on organization-level diagnostic model such as the one presented in Chapter 5, provide detailed analysis of the collected data. For each component of the diagnostic model, include specific evidence from the case study regarding evidence or lack thereof, and any conclusions would you draw from the analysis. Your responses should Include the following diagnostic areas:
Design Components
Other processes if relevant
Management processes
Measurement systems
Human resource systems
Alignment and effectiveness
Design components

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