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Health Disparities

In recent decades, health promotion programs in the United States have substantially improved the health of residents. However, there is ongoing concern about health disparities, which occur most commonly in racial and ethnic minorities, people who do not have health...

DSM-5 And PTSD Diagnosis

While the DSM-5 is considered a reputable standard for determining psychopathology, it has been criticized by some professionals in the behavioral health fields. As you study psychopathology, it is important for you to understand the varied viewpoints regarding this...

FNP for a patient with nephrolitiasis

write a discussion of 00 words as minimun for a patient with nephrolithiasis, include 3 main differential diagnosis and what patient education would you provide as an FNP for a patient with nephrolitiasis? Use scholarly references no oldr than 5 years old.
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