by Brian Leakey | May 9, 2023 | Data Analysis
Respond to the following: Should all clinical data be made available to the public? Why or why not? Research and provide examples of how patient data that has been made public has been used. Defend your answer by citing 3 reputable sources.
by Brian Leakey | May 4, 2023 | Data Analysis
Latches and flip-flops are considered as sequential circuits and can act as data storage devices. In this discussion let’s learn about major differences between latches and flipflops. We are also going to discuss major applications where flipflops are and why....
by Brian Leakey | May 4, 2023 | Data Analysis
Communicating information learned from data is often most effectively done by creating visual representations of the findings. In this assignment, you will create bars and graphs based on public health data. The objective of this assignment is to help you learn and...
by Brian Leakey | Apr 20, 2023 | Data Analysis
QUESTION 1: Your computer received the following digital, binary signal sequence. Now, your computer should cover the binary data to the text so you would read it on your computer screen. Assume, the received binary code was generated based on ASCII. Received binary...
by Brian Leakey | Apr 20, 2023 | Data Analysis
You have now created the big data repository for your enterpriseā¦ and, you spend time worrying about two things: How will this data be useful to me?How can I make it available to my organization?Please share your thoughts.
by Brian Leakey | Apr 19, 2023 | Data Analysis
When it is time to analyze data, the first issue that has to be decided upon iswhether or not the data is numerical (quantitative) or non-numerical(qualitative). Consider the types of data you discussed in u02d1 (structured,semi-structured, quasi-structured,...
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