by Brian Leakey | Jan 4, 2024 | Bible
In 300-350 words, identify two aspects/identities/roles of Christ in John 1-3 and discuss this role in light of a theme or themes we have learned in Weeks 1-3.
by Brian Leakey | Nov 21, 2023 | Bible
Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides that explains the “I am” statements of Christ in the Gospel of John. As you describe these statements, identify how they give us a unique portrait of Jesus. Use large text and images so the presentation is...
by Brian Leakey | Oct 17, 2023 | Bible
Explain what it means to read the Gospels “vertically.” Contrast this to reading the Gospels “horizontally.” What is the danger of harmonizing the Gospels? Illustrate your point with examples.
by Brian Leakey | Sep 17, 2023 | Bible
Everyone has a worldview yet not everyone has a biblical worldview. A biblical worldview helps you navigate through life generally but also in academic endeavors and professional life. Therefore, biblical worldview understanding assists you now and prepares you for...
by Brian Leakey | Sep 12, 2023 | Bible
How do this unit’s scriptures direct your mindset and actions towards students who may exhibit misbehaviors?
by Brian Leakey | Aug 2, 2023 | Bible
The discipline of biblical theology and determining the overall story of Scripture should not end in the mind. It should find its fruition in our actions. Specifically, God has instituted the local church to be the context in which He is working His redemptive plan in...
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