Group Project: Ethics of the Automobile Industry
Format and Professionalism:
Written projects (22%) will be completed on a word processor, submitted on 8.5” x 11” white paper, double-spaced text, 1” margins, full justification, Type 12 Times New Roman Font, and will follow APA citation and referencing guidelines. They will include, in sequence: Title Page (c/w course number and title, project title, professor’s name, your names and date submitted); Executive Summary (1 page); Table of Contents; Introduction; Content Parts; Conclusion; References; and Appendices (to include appropriate Figures, Tables and Supplementary Items; all to be referred to in the main text). Note that References and Appendices can be single-spaced. Your report will include 25 pages of text in the main body, i.e., Introduction to Conclusion inclusive, and will not exceed 35 pages in overall length. Any additional pages beyond these limits will not be read or graded. A paper copy of the project is to be handed to the professor at the beginning of class on November 13, and an electronic copy must be submitted to Turnitin the same day. The penalty for late submissions (either the paper or electronic submission) will be 10% per day that the project is overdue.
Project presentations (10%) will be competed in the class time slot assigned by the instructor. The presentation workload will be divided equally among group members. Each 20-minute presentation will focus on one of the assigned main parts of the written project. As a group, you will be expected to develop an in-depth knowledge of the part assigned. During all presentations, all groups and their members will attend and participate.
Project Presentation (10% of course):
Introduction and Conclusion (20%): Introduction: was concisely presented, captured the attention, demonstrated clear purpose, and was presented confidently. Conclusion: was concisely presented, summarized the main points effectively, finished within time limit, and was presented strongly.
Content, Structure and Coordination (40%): Content: demonstrated a high level of subject matter knowledge. Structure: was well organized with appropriate emphases. Coordination: transitions within the presentation were seamless.
Effectiveness of Communication (20%): Verbal: suitable volume, rate of delivery, intonation and articulation. Non-verbal: suitable posture, gestures, movement and eye contact.
Question Period (20%): Level of poise and adaptability demonstrated in responding to questions.
Written Projects (22% of course):
Overall: Analyze the global automobile Industry from a business ethics perspective. Your report will include a signed contract among group members (Appendix A – 1 page) and a reflexive assessment of group processes (Appendix B – 3 pages). Conduct your analysis using publicly available information, i.e., secondary data; thus you will not contact companies or stakeholders directly.
Format and Professionalism (20%): As previously discussed.
Part 1 (12%): Provide: 1.The global history, development, and value chain of the automobile industry.
Part 2 (12%): Provide: 1. A detailed environmental analysis (PEST) of an automobile company of your choice; 2. An encompassing stakeholder map with a general discussion of five main stakeholder interests; 3. A specific stakeholder position analysis for each of the following three stakeholders: customers, the CEO, and competitors.
Part 3 (12%): Analyze the history of recalls for your automobile company and provide an overall assessment on the ethics of their recall behaviour. Also, provide suggestions on how your company can: 1. Reduce the number of recalls, and; 2. Improve its public response to recalls.
Part 4 (12%): Address the economic, social and environmental impacts of the global automobile industry from the following ethical perspectives: 1. Utilitarianism; 2. Feminist Ethics; 3. Postmodern Ethics; 4. Kant’s Categorical Imperative.
Part 5 (12%): Address the global automobile industry’s record in terms of: 1. Corporate Social Responsibility (the concept); 2. Corporate Social Responsiveness (in practice); 3. Corporate Social Performance (auditing, reporting, communication).
Executive Summary, Introduction, Conclusion, Appendices A and B (20%): As previously discussed.
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