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  1. Demonstrate the steps of the scientific process using a real-world example:
  2. Describe (not list) the four-stage hypothesis for the origin of life.
  3. What is a biofilm? Name three places you might find a biofilm.
  4. Detail the how prokaryotes, such as bacteria, reproduce?
  5. How are endospores beneficial to reproduction?
  6. Describe, in detail, the four main modes of nutrition in prokaryotes.
  7. What differences can be observed/detailed between prokaryotes and archaea?
  8. How do bacteria cause disease?
  9. Describe three roles that bacteria play in our ecosystem:
  10. Describe a minimum of three differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
  11. Describe the three modes of nutrition of protists.
  12. What are the four major types of protists?
  13. How can bacteria be beneficial to our health?
  14. How do algae and seaweed differ?
  15. Describe how multicellular organisms could have evolved from unicellular organisms.
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