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A. Indicate how you collected the behavior data (frequency, latency, rate, intensity) and what data needs to continue to be collected (submit raw data)

B. Include a “context summary” (time of day, environment, other students, curriculum, teacher exception of the task, day of the week) and compare the two observations

C. Function (hypothesis and rationale)

D. Summarize data into a parent-friendly document

Looking Ahead: Utilizing information from the textbook and/or additional resources: recommend a Tier 2 intervention, which should be evidence-based/research-based

A description and the rubric are added to this assignment. Please review the rubric for specific expectations.

DESCRIPTION of what to include in your summary:

Your written summary should include:
A. Summarize each observation objectively:
Observation #1: 5 Points: Identified target behavior clearly & specifically, Describe the context, i.e. date, time, setting, and activity, Identified the method of data collection, Described findings in narrative form, Attach raw data collection form.
Observation #2: 5 Points: Identified target behavior clearly & specifically, Describe the context, i.e. date, time, setting, and activity, Identified the method of data collection, Described findings in narrative form, Attach raw data collection form.
B. Compare findings across Observations 5 Points
What behaviors, antecedents, and consequences (ABC) were the same across both observations? What differed in relation to setting, peers, expectations, and consequences across the observations? Was the intensity or frequency of the target behavior similar across settings? Have you observed the behavior elsewhere?
C. Hypothesize the function of the behavior 5 Points
What typically seems to happen before the behavior? What happens after the behavior? What does the student seem to gain from the behavior? What might the student be avoiding? What do you propose as the function of the behavior? What specifics from your 2 observations support your proposed function?

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