1) Bandura proposed 4 cognitive processes underlying observational learning. Apply those 4 processes to a child learning morality. (3 points for the application of each process).
2) What is a fixed action pattern?
3) Why is it difficult to distinguish genetic from experiential influences?
4) List two shortcomings of longitudinal designs.
5) In Erikson’s theory, what is meant by “industry vs. inferiority”?
6) What are three strengths and two weaknesses of Freud’s theory?
7) Explain how Bandura conceptualizes the mechanisms of development.
8) Describe and contrast traditional learning theory and social learning theory.
9) A 14-year-old cheats on a math test. Explain his behavior from the perspective of 3 theorists we’ve covered so far.
10) Each developmental theorist holds a position about the nature of human beings. Provide the perspective on human nature from the following. (2 points each)
a. Freud
b. Erikson
c. Bandura
d. Bowlby
11) Evolutionary psychology has become a popular framework from which to study human development. Traditionally, evangelical Christians have renounced any kind of evolutionary framework. What are Christians to do with evolutionary psychology? Does a Christian have to stay away from research done within this framework? Can findings be appropriated by Christians? To what degree can Christians engage this perspective?
12) Choose one major theorist who you read “in their own words” and provide an analysis of his/her writing. Briefly describe the essential content or point of the writing and then provide an analysis that contextualizes the writing. For example, what does the writing suggest about the author as a person, methodologist, or theorist? About the historical time period? The dominant theories of the time? In what way does this writing exemplify the larger vision or theoretical perspective of its author?
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