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The ability to accurately locate, read, and understand research is applicable across a wide range of careers, including any field with an evidence-based component for potential outcomes. Critically analyzing research beyond the undergraduate level is a skill that carries over this strategy of evidence gathering to practical and research-based levels of employment. In this assessment, you will gain a better understanding of a research study, including its potential ethical considerations and the methodology used to achieve results.

that you are employed as a research assistant at a pediatric office, and you are asked to analyze a study on child development.

” How do you learn to walk? Thousands of steps and dozens of falls per day”

Describe the study.
What was the hypothesis?
What methods were used to test the hypothesis?
What were the results?
Provide your opinion on whether the benefits outweigh the risks.
Describe what you would have done differently and what you would have done the same if you were conducting this research.
Provide an analysis of the ethical considerations.

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