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Review https://www.vitsoe.com/gb/about/good-design and select three of the ten principles noted for good design. Next in R, utilize these three principles in a problem that you will solve. First note the problem to solve, the dataset (where the information was pulled from), and what methods you are going to take to solve the problem. Ensure the problem is simple enough to complete within a two-page document. For example, I need to purchase a house and want to know what my options are given x amount of dollars and x location based on a sample of data from Zillow within each location.

Ensure there is data visualization in the homework and note how it relates to the three principles selected.


Title: Data Visualisation

ISBN: 9781526468925

Authors: Andy Kirk

Publisher: SAGE Publications Limited

Publication Date: 2019-10-07

Edition: 2nd ED.

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