Read both the provided primary and secondary sources and have completed your Analysis Activity.
Primary source:
To plan your Analytical Essay:
1. Review the models that begin on the second page of these instructions.
2. Choose either the provided Essay Planning Sheet or the Outline Template to create a plan for a
650 to 800 word essay. Your goal in this essay will be to make a claim supported with evidence
from the primary source and the provided secondary source in response to this prompt:
How does the author use word choice (denotation/connotation), imagery or description,
and tone to convey their main idea?
3. Consider how you might incorporate your ideas from your Analysis Activity into your plan.
4. Develop a thesis statement that answers the provided prompt.
5. Identify the supporting points and write topic sentences that connect to your thesis statement.
6. Select specific evidence from the primary source and the provided secondary source to support
your analysis. Cite your evidence according to MLA style guidelines.
7. Evaluate the supporting topics and evidence and rearrange your topic order as needed.
8. Add conclusion statement.
9. Create your works cited list according to MLA style guidelines.
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