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Describe yourself. Give some information on your microsystem and the relationships within the system. Connect your introduction to the reflection questions.
1. What do your family dynamics look like? What do you do with your time?

Cognitive Development (Body)
1. Identify how your daily activities influence the two clusters of intelligence: Fluid Intelligence and Crystalized Intelligence, and how you currently see yourself applying the Three Forms of Intelligence: Analytical, Creative, Practical. Define, connect, and
relate the terms to your experiences (reflection).
2. Describe your social interactions/vocation and how those are supporting and influencing your cognitive gains.
3. Connect your Cognitive Development to the reflection questions: A) Comparing the different stages/ages of your life to date (adolescence, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s), what would you say are the biggest changes you have experienced? B) If you were creating a timeline, what significant moments would you include on your
timeline and why? C) What lesson did you learn from your adolescent years that you currently practice? D) What family traditions do you practice? Are these traditions that you carry from
childhood or these new traditions you began as an adult?

Psychosocial Development (Body)
Identify Erikson’s stage – Intimacy v. Isolation or Generativity v. Stagnation – you are currently in based on your current age. Connect your responses with examples of how you have reached the identified Erik Erikson’s stages of
adulthood: how your previous stage led you to the current stage and how your social environment has influenced your current stage of psychosocial development. Then, connect how your current stage will prepare you for the next stage. Connect your Psychosocial Development to the questions: A) Comparing the different stages/ages of your life to date (adolescence, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s), what would you say are the biggest changes you have experienced? B) If you were creating a timeline, what significant moments would you include on your
timeline and why? C) What lesson did you learn from your adolescent years that you currently practice? D) What family traditions do you practice? Are these traditions that you carry from
childhood or these new traditions you began as an adult?

In your conclusion, include the factors that have led to your overall development and discuss how those influences are continuing to shape your choices and behaviors. Include strategies that you may want to start implementing in your daily life to support and improve your cognitive gains and your psychosocial development.


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