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An array of violent extremist and terrorist organizations have exploited the power of the Internet and technology to connect with the like-minded, recruit, and radicalize, among other strategies.
the task is to profile a violent extremist or terrorist group (or an extremist movement generally) and their use of the Internet and/or technology. In other words, find as much information as you can about a group or movements’ use of the Internet and/or technology.

  1. Which platforms did they use?
  2. How did they use these platforms?
  3. When did they use these platforms?
  4. Why did they use these platforms?
  5. How did practitioners and policymakers respond to their digital presence on these platforms (if at all)?
    In addition, compare their use of the Internet and/or technology with similar and/or different groups or movements. Also examine how practitioners and policymakers responded to their
    digital presence compared to similar and/or different groups or movements.
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