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Conduct an interview with an administrator from your chosen facility. You can use the following, or similar, questions for the interview:

Is there a waiting list for your facility?
How are new demographics affecting your facility?
What marketing methods do you use to promote your facility?
Who is the primary payer source—out-of-pocket or private pay, insurance coverage, Medicare, or Medicaid?
Are there any personal or nursing care services available in your living environment?
What is the staff or organizational structure that supports the services available in your facility?
Are there any special amenities, such as a barber, beauty shop, or ice cream parlor?
If there are no special services on site, is transportation provided to nearby service facilities?
What recreational opportunities are available? Provide a list of opportunities.
What technological issues or challenges are present at the facility?
How do you anticipate health care reform will affect your facility?
How will medicine and health-related services that increase the longevity of the aging population have an impact on your facility?

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