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This week, you need to find and post a peer-reviewed empirical journal article (PDF file only) related to your topic. Critique the article that you select, keeping in mind that this article cannot be the same as the one that you posted in the Topic, Supporting Article, and Peer Response Post Discussion.


Initial Post
You will need to create an initial post that includes the following for your critique:

Summarize the article by discussing each of the following questions below in  one or two sentences  each, without directly quoting the author:
What were the author’s research question and hypothesis/hypotheses?
How did they answer this question? Was it a survey, experiment, or observation?
Who did they use to answer this question or who was the sample?
How did they measure their major variables?
What did they conclude? Was/were their hypothesis(es) supported?
What are the limitations of their findings?
After answering these questions, discuss how this article and the findings of these researchers are related to your topic. What questions are you left with and how might you answer these questions in your own study?


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