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Prepare a human-interest featured story.

Select a topic from one of the following sections:







A feature story is a piece of non-fiction writing about news. A feature story is a type of soft news. The main sub-types are the news feature and the human-interest story.

A feature story, as contrasted with straight news reporting, normally presents newsworthy events and information through a narrative story, complete with a plot and story characters.

It differs from a short story primarily in that the content is not fictional. Like literature, the feature story relies upon creativity and subjectivity to make an emotional connection with the readers and may highlight some universal aspect of human nature.

Unlike straight news, the feature story serves the purpose of entertaining the readers, in addition to informing them. Although truthful and based upon facts, they are less objective then straight news.

The subject of a feature story is usually not time sensitive and it generally features good news.


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