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1. A child’s wellness must be nurtured and strengthened. Adopting an attitude of wellness allows a child to take control and make decisions that improve their health. (Page 4)

a. Define wellness. b. Describe how nutrition, health and safety are interconnected to wellness.c. Describe the role of the educator in promoting wellness. d. List current issues and trends that impact children’s health. (Page 5)

2. Children need shelter, food, and love to be happy and healthy. A child ‘s wellbeing is also affected by theirpersonality, their family and community. A child’s wellbeing impacts their learning and growth in all developmental areas. Larger systemic trends also have a direct impact on wellbeing. Describe factors that influence children’s wellness. (Page 11)


Describe how these factors influence wellness.

Considering the contextsin which children grow and develop

• Bronfenbrenner’sEcological System Theory

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