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prompt 1

Students must read the Wall Street Journal to increase awareness of the business world. Pick an article that focuses on Management.

Briefly summarize and share your reaction/ reflection on your selected article

prompt 2

Select one form of business ownership. Discuss the pros and cons. Which type of business do you think this form would be most appropriate for? Which kind of business do you think this form would be least proper for?


Please read the instructions below before submitting your replies:

In this discussion, there are two prompts
You need to post three posts on three different days
Your First post must be a response to the first prompt
Your Second post must be a response to the second prompt
Your Third post must be a response to one of your classmates’ posts







Prompt 1

Article: “The End of the Office as We Know It”

Summary: The article discusses the shift towards remote work and the impact it is having on traditional office spaces. It explores the pros and cons of remote work, including increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved work-life balance, as well as challenges such as isolation, lack of collaboration, and difficulty managing teams.

Reflection: I found the article to be thought-provoking and timely. The trend towards remote work is clearly accelerating, and it is important to consider the implications for businesses and employees. While remote work offers many benefits, it is also essential to address the challenges and find ways to maintain a strong company culture and effective collaboration.

Prompt 2

Form of Business Ownership: Sole Proprietorship


  • Easy to set up and manage
  • Full control over decision-making
  • Keep all profits
  • Fewer regulations


  • Unlimited personal liability
  • Limited access to capital
  • Difficulty attracting top talent

Appropriate Business: A small, local business with a single owner, such as a freelance writer, a small retail shop, or a home-based business.

Inappropriate Business: A large corporation with multiple owners, a complex business model, or a high-risk industry.

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