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In this assignment, you will explore Contract Enforceability by referring to a reputable news source such as The Wall Street Journal. Follow these steps:

Source Selection:
Choose a recent article related to Contract Enforceability from The Wall Street Journal or any other college-level contemporary news outlet.
Ensure that the article is dated within the last ten years.
Article Summary:
Briefly summarize the key points of the selected article.
Highlight the legal aspects, implications, and any notable details.
Personal Reaction:
Share your reaction to the article. Did it surprise you? Did it raise any ethical or practical considerations?
Consider how the legal issue discussed in the article impacts businesses, consumers, or society.
Remember to cite the article properly and provide a concise yet insightful analysis. Engage with your peers in a discussion about contract enforceability!








Article Selection

Title: “Supreme Court Revives Lawsuit Over Facebook’s ‘Friending’ Terms”

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Date: December 19, 2022

Article Summary

The article discusses a lawsuit against Facebook (now Meta) where users claimed that the company’s terms of service were unfair and forced users to give up their rights to class-action lawsuits. The users argued that these terms were unconscionable, meaning they were so one-sided in favor of Facebook that they were unfair and should not be enforced.

The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, revived the lawsuit, ruling that the users could proceed with their claims. The Court’s decision could have significant implications for other companies that rely on standard terms of service agreements with their users.

Personal Reaction

The article was not particularly surprising, as there have been numerous legal challenges to terms of service agreements in recent years. However, the Supreme Court’s decision was significant, as it could lead to more scrutiny of these types of agreements and potentially force companies to revise their terms to be more fair and transparent.

The case raises important ethical and practical considerations. From an ethical standpoint, it raises questions about the fairness of standard terms of service agreements, which can often be lengthy and difficult to understand. From a practical standpoint, the decision could have significant implications for businesses, as they may need to revise their terms of service agreements to avoid legal challenges.

Overall, the case highlights the importance of understanding and challenging unfair terms of service agreements. Consumers should be aware of their rights and not hesitate to challenge terms that they believe are unfair.

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