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The  purpose of this assignment is for you to assess meaningful data for  effective evaluation of child life services, and to demonstrate the  process for engaging in evidence-based practice. (CLC3a; CLC2a)

  1. Chose an area of interest related to Child Life 
    • Pain Management
    • Ethics
    • Professional Development
    • Cultural Awareness
    • Children with Special Needs
    • Child Abuse and Neglect
    • Mental Illness
    • Chronic Illness
    • Emergency Management
    • Hospital/Homebound
  2. Determine a potential Child Life clinical practice problem.
  3. Using  the PICOT format, create a research question that is population  specific, identifies a specific practice or intervention, compares this  specific practice or intervention with another, states what the practice  or intervention will affect, and designates a time period in which the  affect will take place. “In hospitals (patient population), how does  having a pet therapy program (intervention) compared with not having a  pet therapy program(comparison) affect the documented pain levels  (outcome) during a three-month period (time).”
  4. Search for the best evidence available and determine the strength of the evidence using the CRAP test.
  5. Complete a critical analysis of the evidence and develop recommendations for practice changes.
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