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As part of developing your racial justice literacy through this course, it is important to take inventory of what you know and how you learned it. Reflecting on your existing ideas and attitudes on race and racism along with the sources of your information (archaeology of self and information literacy) will help you better be able to identify the multiple ways that you encounter and engage with racial knowledge. It’s a starting point for you to consider what you think you know about race in relation to the various definitions and concepts that we will explore in the course. Critical self-reflection is a key component to thinking critically about race and building your literacy around it.

Please respond to the following prompts in your own words and feel free to provide examples (Do not provide dictionary definitions):

Aim for at least 300 words total for you initial post. I especially want you to develop thoughtful and detailed responses to #3-5.

What is race?
What is racism?
How have you learned about race and racism throughout your life?
Think about the ways that people, places, education, media, and culture have shaped your present understanding.

How do you feel about talking about race and racism and why is that so?
What are some values and communication behaviors that you feel would promote a safe, respectful, constructive, collaborative, humanizing, and accountable environment for discussing race and racism?

What is education and what is its purpose in society?
Do you feel that your education was/is relevant to your background, needs, and goals?
After reviewing the material on the history of ethnic studies, what stood out to you regarding the student/struggles of 1968 and 1999?
In what ways have you taken action or can you envision advocating for issues that impact you and believe in? It can be something that directly impacts you and your community or solidarity with another.

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