Learning Goal: I’m working on a management question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Choose whether you’d like to focus on “landing” a job in the consulting (or a related) industry or to “launch” a service-based business that uses principles from this course and your prior experience.
Write a five page (maximum), single-spaced executive brief value creation plan. The first four pages will contain the description of your value creation brief and will follow the discovery (primary and secondary research gathered about your intended direction to “land” or “launch” – beginning, first, with a self-assessment of your values, strengths, etc so as to consider the fit between your interests and strengths and the position you desire to land or the service you’d like to launch), analysis (working through the input information using the provided template frame to arrive at key insights that stand out to you), and recommendation (capturing the action pathway that you consider to provide you the best opportunity to “land” or “launch” – including how you’ll measure success along the way) approach that will be familiar to you from the course material. The fifth page will contain your visual depiction of the value creation map utilizing the template share with you during the course and included here:
A quality deliverable will be well-researched (show evidence of secondary and primary discovery), well-written (structure, flow, grammar), specific in its personalized prescription (you are effectively consulting to yourself as the client – it should come across as tailored to your interests), and relevant (each section addressed will demonstrate relevance to the topic in focus – for example, strengths will be tailored to your personal strengths and stakeholders will consider the primary stakeholders who will be important to your action pathway).
Submit your Value Creation Executive Brief.
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