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DQ 1) Aamodt (2022) in Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach discusses the importance of job analysis and briefly describes competency modeling. Using this week’s reading and other scholarly references to contrast these two approaches, answer the following questions: How are the job analysis and competency modeling approaches different? Why are both approaches important in the job analysis and evaluation process?
DQ 2) Assume the role of human resources director for a new fast-food restaurant, which is exploring an expansion from Kansas to California in the United States. The job analysis is complete for all positions in the restaurant and now it is time to conduct a job evaluation to determine compensation in the new market. What are two of the challenges in determining fair and equitable compensation for the positions in the new location? What advice might you give the executive team about fair and equitable compensation prior to the expansion?
Topic 2: Legal Issues in The Workplace
DQ 3) There are many laws that govern the recruiting and hiring process that an organization uses. How does affirmative action influence the recruiting and hiring process? What is one of the employment laws that recruiting and hiring, if not followed, can put the organization at risk for being investigated and/or fined? Be sure to use the Equal Opportunity Commission, Department of Labor, and Occupational Health and Safety Association websites. Also use your readings and scholarly references to support your response.
DQ 4) Assume the role of a human resources manager in a large electric utility company. Your vice president of human resources has asked you to examine the employee privacy rights and other employment laws governing the use of surveillance cameras in the supply rooms and the supply yards. Using this week’s readings, scholarly references, and other employee law websites, discuss your findings. What advice would you give your vice president?
Topic 3: Employee Recruiting, Interviewing, And Hiring
DQ 5) Selection procedures vary between companies. In this discussion question you will analyze and discuss best practices and procedures in selecting the best candidate for a position. You should be discussing recruiting, interviewing, and hiring. Be sure to use your readings and scholarly references to answer this question. What are one best practice that should be followed in the recruiting, interviewing and hiring process when selecting the best candidate for a position? What is the most important procedure that should be implemented in the recruiting, interviewing and hiring process when selecting the best candidate for a position?
DQ 6) There are many employment laws that apply to just the interviewing process. Assume the role of a human resource consultant who has been hired to audit a client’s interviewing processes and provide advice to the human resource team. What is one of the interviewing process employment laws that you will ensure is being followed as you audit the client’s

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