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As a health care manager, you are included in the ethics committee. There has been a new case brought before the committee for your review and recommendation. You will be responsible for reviewing the facts and providing a written response to the committee with your recommendations. This process will allow you the opportunity to analyze the health care manager’s role in ethical decision-making in a health care ethics case.



Write a word response to the ethical committee regarding your recommendation as a health care manager presented with this case. In your response, you should:

Identify the major stakeholders in the case.
Identify the ultimate decisions makers (e.g., medical team, parents, etc.) in the case.
Explain Baby Bundle’s rights in this case.
Describe the ethical theories or principles that pertain to the case.
Analyze your role as a health care manager in this ethics committee decision.
Based on your review of the case and the fact that the parents are not in agreement, state your recommendation to the committee for next steps.

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