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To support your identification and evaluation of each type of research study in Project One: Research Methods in Social Sciences, you will examine any trends in research methodology relating to your problem, including any difficulties you have in finding different types of research. You will evaluate how these difficulties may limit the research questions you can ask and present challenges for researching your chosen topic. Finally, you will determine what changes you can make to overcome these challenges and find all three types of research related to your chosen research problem. This assignment will prepare you to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each type of research methodology in Module Four.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Describe the relationship between your chosen research problem and the field of study. Include answers to the following:
.What is the research problem you would like to explore further?
.How does your research problem relate to your field of study?

Evaluate the impact of methodology trends for your chosen research problem. Include answers to the following questions:
.What methodologies are commonly used to study your research problem? Why do you think that is?
.What methodologies are less commonly used to study your research problem? Why do you think that is?
.How would finding few research study methodologies impact your research question?

Determine methods for overcoming challenges that impact the development of complex research questions. Include answers to the following questions:
.If you can’t find a type of methodology, what do you think that says about your research problem?
.How could you potentially still use your chosen research problem and find research studies that use each methodology? What changes might you need to make so you can find examples of each methodology?



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