Explain the context (historical background) of the ancient Greeks and Romans. What kind of lives did they lead socially, economically, politically? How do you think these aspects of their lives affected the way they approached and produced art (philosophy, literature, theater, sculpture, and architecture)? Does social, political and economic status affect the way we approach and produce those same types of art today? How so?
Compare and contrast the philosophical thought of the Greeks and Romans. What kinds of questions did they ask? What were they interested in explaining about human life? How did they view the world overall? What do those views say about their culture? How have their contributions to philosophy lasted into the modern Western world?
Discuss how the Romans both copied and transformed Greek theater. How do you think theater of the modern Western world compares? We have obviously made changes to theater since then, but what similarities are still present to this day?
Describe the style of Greek sculpture and of Roman sculpture. What were common subjects of their respective sculptures? What was the purpose of their respective sculptures? Did the Greek model of the ideal man/woman affect the way the Western world views beauty? If so, in what way? For how long? What kinds of sculptures does the Western world erect today? What do all of these examples say about our cultures?
Describe the style of Greek and Roman architecture. Who did these cultures build for? What advances were made? Are modern buildings influenced by Greek or Roman styles?
Again these questions are not meant for short answers in order. You must organize your answers, critique, and analysis in an essay.
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