1.Students apply social (ethical) scientific vocabulary, concepts, and theoretical perspectives to social issues as appropriate to the discipline.
2.Students analyze one or more ethical/social issues using basic principles of the discipline.
3.Students examine how their identities, experiences, contexts and perspectives relate to one or more social issues and/or disciplinary specific methodologies.
Task: You will choose one current (within the past two years) ethical issue of interest to you, and locate three news articles from reliable sources that discuss this issue. Then, you will write a brief essay explaining the relevance of this issue to your own life, and what you learn about the movement from reading journalistic sources.
Provide a brief (no more than half page) description of the issue.
Describe, in about one page, what we learn about the issue from reading your news articles.
Analyze connections between course material and your personal experience (about one page each).
Provide an in-depth explanation of how this issue is relevant to your own life, explicitly using one or more concepts from our class.
Follow conventions of formal academic writing in English.
Follow basic essay structure (introduction, thesis statement, roadmap, topic sentences, conclusion, etc.).
Be carefully proofread for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and other mechanical errors.
Be formatted according to the guidelines in the syllabus.
Include proper MLA/ APA-style in-text citations and a references list in MLA/APA format.
Use a minimum of three news articles from reliable, credible sources.
See the Media Bias Chart Links to an external site.for one way to identify reliable news sources. Please do not use sites below the middle horizontal line (32.00 on the y-axis).
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