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Submit a 2- to 3-page proposal that addresses the following:

Provide a brief synopsis of the social problem you selected in Week 2.
Provide a brief synopsis of the policy you selected in Week 4.
Explain your selection of a policy—why, as a policy advocate, did you select this specific policy to promote change regarding the social problem?
Identify the person or group who enacted the policy and explain their motivation or reason for advocating for this policy. How does the reason differ from your own advocacy and change goals?
Describe the ways in which the policy impacts the populations and discuss the consequences—intended and unintended. Hint: Build on your answer to the following part of your Week 4 Assignment:
Explain how this policy affects clients you might see in a clinical setting and why, as a clinical social worker, it would be important to advocate for change.
Describe your initial work to change the policy (i.e., plan for social advocacy).
Be sure to incorporate the sources you found using standard APA format.

WEEK 2 SOCIAL PROBLEM = Healthcare inequality. (see attached wk2 assignment)

WEEK 4 SOCIAL PROBLEM = find a state or national policy that helps with healthcare inequality. NO LOCAL POLICY

Read Chapter 8 of the Jansson text.
Selected at least five sources to support your advocacy proposal. The sources may be related to specific consequences of the social problem, issues related to the policy, or steps for advocacy.

Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Chapter 8, “Placing Policy Proposals in Policy Briefs in the Second, Third, and Fourth Steps of Policy Analysis” (pp. 246–283)



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