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• Define the following terms and analyze their significance for intercultural business communications: globalization, cultural intelligence, and enculturation vs. acculturation. Write a multi-paragraph response.
• What guidelines should be followed to enable you to improve your intercultural communication skills and adapt them to any business culture and workforce scenario? Be specific and give examples. Write a multi-paragraph response.
• Examine why intercultural business communications skills have become a core competency for success today. Write a multi-paragraph response.
• Intercultural business communication is a relatively new term in the business world and is defined as communication within and between businesses that involves people from more than one culture. Analyze in detail the importance of intercultural business communication, and define terms you should understand, concepts to be considered, and what guidelines should be followed to enable you to improve your intercultural communication skills and adapt them to any business culture and workforce scenario. Write a multi-paragraph response.

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