This poster will be used to train new human services professionals.
Create a virtual poster where you:
· Summarize the definitions of family, based on the current literature. Refer to at least five (5) different articles from family-oriented scholarly journals.
· Compare and contrast these definitions and functions of family, considering how family is a system.
· Explain if the current definition of family is consistent and aligned among the literature.
· Present a synthesized working definition of “family” that a new human services professional practitioner could use in their work. To illustrate this definition,
share two (2) examples of how this definition of family could be useful or informative when working with service users.
Please use as many of these sources as you can.
Family systems theory. By: Helm, Katherine M., Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health, 2021
Bastoni, A., & David, A. (2018, October). Amanda Bastoni and Anthony David: TEDxKeene: Expanding the definition of family Links to an external site.[Video].
TED Conferences.
TED. (n.d.). What does family mean? Links to an external site.[Video playlist].
Riggs, S. A. (2019, July). Diversity and complexity of contemporary families. The Family Psychologist Links to an external site..
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