(20 points)
Completed Report Due One(1) Week from Lab Day
Hardcopy to Miele Lab by 500pm
Assignment Description
This assignment requires you to discuss at least three scientific principles as they apply to the
recipe preparations for the lab session. Choose three scientific principles that uniquely contribute
to the unique properties of any of the recipes from the lab. For example, you may choose to
discuss how foams are used as a leavening agent in the soufflé for the lab, or how the yolk
lecithin facilitates the formation of the emulsion that is mayonnaise. You must choose three
different scientific principles. You can apply one or all of the principles to the same or three
different recipes.
Grading Rubric
Write-up Quality of Content – (6pts – 30%)
Were at least three (3) scientific principles about the lab recipes discussed? Do the principles
accurately apply to their respective recipes? Was the description of the scientific principle
Quality of Lab Evaluation Form / Notes (10pts – 50%)
Were notes taken on all recipes for the lab? Were appropriate cells to the evaluation form
completed? Were notes, observation, and evaluations for each recipe descriptive, informative,
and comprehensive?
Professionalism, Presentation, Readability (4pts – 20%)
Is the work usable in a professional environment? Are the grammar, structure, and spelling clear
and professional? Are facts accurately documented and cited?
Guidelines & Specification
This assignment has a one (1) page MAXIMUM. Anything written beyond the first page will not
be read, and you will not receive credit for the Professionalism, Presentation, Readability portion
of the report grade. In the header or footer of your report write-up, include:
• Your name,
• Assigned lab day and group (1 or 2),
• Date written, and
• Lab topic.
The paper is to be written in either Cambria or Times New Roman in either an 11-or 12-point
font size with 1.5x line spacing.
Jo Q. Public, SFSU ID#:123456789
Lab Section: Tuesday, Group 1
Lab #1: Fruits, Vegetables & Skills
From lecture, I learned the correct way to measure different items. Liquids should be
measured in liquid measuring liquid cup since they are designed so as not to spill when measured
out, and are easy to pour from. Dry ingredient measuring cups are designed to be filled
completely and then leveled off. If I filled a dry measuring cup with liquid, it would be filled to
the brim and is likely to be spilled. When measuring dry ingredients such as flour and white
sugar, the dry measure should be over-filled then leveled off at the top to get an accurate amount.
In addition, it is important to make sure dry ingredients are properly compacted or aerated before
being placed in measuring cups.
I also learned that there only three knives are needed to accomplish most cutting tasks in
a kitchen: the paring, chef’s, and serrated knives. The paring knife is used to makes small,
precise cuts, and is easier to control with one hand than a larger knife. A serrated knife is used to
cut items that have a tough exterior but soft interior. The serrations on the knife make piercing
the exterior easy, thus the interior does not get squished while cutting. A chef’s knife or an allpurpose knife (these are also kept in the cupboards) is a knife that we use for most other cutting.
We should always use sharp knives, since when used carefully, they are safer and more effective
than dull knives.
During lab, I learned which color pigments were the most and least stable in vegetables.
Carotenoids (carrots) and anthoxanthins (cauliflower) pigments exhibited very little color change
when exposed to acids and alkalis. Since there was little color change with these vegetables,
they are considered color- stable vegetables. Their stability lends them well to pre-cooking and
holding for longer services. Chlorophyll (broccoli) and anthocyanin (red cabbage) pigments
exhibited the most drastic color changes when exposed to acids and alkalis. These were unstable
pigments, and the vegetables would not be good for pre-cooking or holding on hot buffet lines.
From the broccoli experiment I learned that boiling broccoli breaks down its nutritional
value and the best way to eat broccoli is either raw or blanching them. Blanching is the cooking
process where you boil broccoli for a short period, and is then shocked in cold water to stop the
cooking process. This way the broccoli is keeps its nutritional value and have a nice green color
to the product.
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