How would the authors of these WWAF chapters or student videos answer the questions below? Use your own words . – student videos
Introduction, Orval Watts – How are Judeo-Christian values the moral basis for the Northwood Idea?
Only Kind of People, R. Williams – Do FDA restrictions prevent death and alleviate suffering?
Freedom and Happiness, Bryan Caplan – What is the effect of government acting as our mom and dad?
To Each His Due, Thomas Bethell – Can socialism bring out the best in us?
Source of Rights, Frank Chodorov – What is the result of accepting the socialist view on rights?
Character and Government Policy, Dale Walsh – Why are so many millennials embracing socialism?
Government: An Ideal Concept, L. Read – To what extent should society use force through the government?
Economic Responsibility of Government, Milton Friedman – What is government good for?
12-Cell Matrix, Dale Haywood – How is government like fire?
Economic Freedom and Growth, R. Holcombe – Why does socialism fail?
Poor as First Victims, W. Williams – What are the characteristic features of all government interventions?
Of Property, John Locke – How did European settlers make America their own?
Property, James Madison – What is a just government?
Liberty and Self Interest, S. Horwitz – Where is self-interest praiseworthy?
Entrepreneurial Culture, E. Phelps – Is America more entrepreneurial than Europe?
Not Yours to Give, E. Ellis – Are welfare programs constitutional?
Commerce Clause, D. Matcheck – Are bureaucratic restrictions on private enterprise constitutional?
Regulation, D. Haywood – Can more safety restrictions make us less safe?
Competition and Cooperation, D. Boaz – Does capitalism promote cooperation?
Social Function of the Entrepreneur, D. Matcheck – Does society benefit when entrepreneurs get rich?
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