• Review Chapter 7 in the course text, The Handbook of Conflict Resolution, focusing on the four communication paradigms and the principles related to each.
• Review Stephan’s article on psychological and communication processes, focusing on the section titled, “Communication Processes Involved in Improving Intergroup Conflict Resolution.” Consider the communication processes that research shows may improve intergroup communication during conflict resolution.
• Bring to mind your Final Project conflict, the parties involved, and how communication might positively or negatively impact the conflict resolution process.
• Review the video, “Communicating Through Conflict,” considering how the parties in your conflict might be guided toward talking about shared problems.
• Select two communication principles, each from a different communication paradigm described in your course text that you think, if followed or taken into account, might have a positive impact on the conflict resolution process.
• Reflect on the communication processes in Stephan’s article and select one that you think might have the most relevance to the resolution of your conflict.
• With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 an analysis of how the communication principles that you selected might affect the communication in the resolution of your Final Project conflict. Begin by briefly describing the conflict, its central issues, and the parties involved. Then state the principle and the paradigm it relates to, and briefly explain how and why the principle, if followed or taken into account, might positively influence the resolution of your conflict. Finally, describe one communication process from Stephan’s article that you think might have the most relevance to the resolution of your conflict and explain why.
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