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Because of the great differences between HIT systems and different goals of an evaluation, there is no one-size-fits-all evaluation plan. Different technologies require different evaluation methods. Consequently, in this part of your Evaluation Plan Project, you will conduct research on how system implementations similar to the one you select have been previously evaluated. After exploring similar system implementations, you will select one research goal and viewpoint to use in the evaluation.
To prepare:
• Review the case study you chose for your evaluation plan. Consider what viewpoint and research goal you would use to guide your evaluation plan. Although many potential research goals or viewpoints could be selected for your case study, you are only required to choose one goal and one viewpoint.
• Research three published evaluations that have been conducted on HIT system implementations similar to the case study you selected.
In a 3- to 4-page paper:
• Identify which of the cases from the text you will be evaluating in this project, summarize the case, and explain why you selected the system featured in the case.
• Next, summarize your three research findings on similar HIT implementations. Include the models, evaluation methods, findings, and plans for reevaluation in each article.
• Critique the HIT implementations in your research: Identify successful and unsuccessful elements of the implementations. Explain the reasons for the successful elements. Identify areas for improvement and explain why (or how) they could be improved.
• Create an evaluation goal and identify the viewpoint related to the goal that will guide your own evaluation plan. Provide your rationale for choosing that goal and viewpoint.

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