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create an infographic based on the article you selected in Step 1 (Article- Moderating Effect of Mindfulness on PSU on mental health) (and then learned more about in Step 2). You should discuss approximately 3-5 findings from the main article, select a good second quality article and discuss 1-3 findings from there. Don’t forget to include a research limitation from the main article. Cite all your sources and use a little reference list.

Read more below to help!

Completing the Research Part:

Now you are ready to work on the final part of the assignment. To build an infographic, you will need a theme or message. Consider the topic of the article when deciding on a theme. For this part, you will locate at least one additional credible (scholarly) source that aligns with the topic of the research article you read. You are encouraged to use scholarly or peer-reviewed resources. For instance, if you look at the example above, the main article assigned was on mindfulness and coloring! The student then went into the library’s databases to find a second peer-reviewed article about coloring and anxiety.

What is an Infographic?

Great question! In the resource below, you will find a video titled, “What is an infographic,” so be sure to check that out. You’ll also find an abundance of information on that page to help guide your infographic development.



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