Write an essay based on: Oral Approach and the Situational Language Teaching (See lesson unit # 3) Use 900 words and use the MLA format.
2. Choose a grade from middle school or high school in which you will make an Improvement Plan based on Community Language Learning and Humanistic Approaches. (See lesson unit # 3) Include the following:
1. Introduction
2. Justification
3. General and Specific Objectives
2. Group Description (group generalities, academic level, social and economic background, emotional behaviour, social environment, school resources)
3. Teacher’s Concerns
4. Teaching Plan
Improvement Plan based on Community Language Learning and Humanistic Approaches Develop these areas in your plan: Addressing Physiological Needs by involving parents.
Addressing social needs in classroom by teaching well-being.
Increasing motivation by fostering self-esteem and confidence on students. Addressing the lack of resources and technology.
Creating a comfortable and pleasant learning environment.
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