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• You must create a paragraph response of at least 250 words
• If the length of these posts scares you, maybe this will help put it in perspective for you: Each individual response is 9 tweets long, while each peer response is 5 tweets long
• You can increase the length of your response by either explaining your opinion more fully, or including more details from the discussed material
• Any submissions that do not meet those minimums will automatically lose half the points. Click the link in each forum to see a preview rubric for grading specifics The graded rubric is visible under the “Grades” tab
• All responses are always due by 11:30pm (see calendar for specific dates). The forum will be open from the first day of class till its due date, so you can submit early. No late or email submissions accepted
• What do you think of Heidi’s relationship Scoop? When he tells Heidi: “I don’t want to come home to an A+; an A- maybe, but not an A+” what do you think he means, and what does that tell you about their relationship?

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