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Create a multi-page handout that you could print, email, or post on your website to help inform teachers about
student engagement and motivation. The handout should contain the following:
250-500 word introductory page that explains the difference between student motivation, engagement, and
compliance with expectations.
A checklist that includes specific, observable behaviors associated with student literacy engagement. Include an
introductory paragraph at the top of the checklist that explains the criteria you are looking at when you assess
student engagement as part of your classroom visits. The checklist should clearly outline the key behaviors that
would be observable at each grade band (K-3, 4-8, 9-12).
A chart that is broken into grade bands (K-3, 4-8, 9-12) and provides at least three examples of grade-band
appropriate strategies that can be employed to increase literacy engagement and three grade-band appropriate
strategies that can be employed to increase student motivation in each grade band.
Support the assignments with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

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