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Read: Challenges and Trends for the Incorporation of Big Data in the Accounting Profession: From the Traditional Approach to the Future Professional Accountant


Watch: Current Issues in Accounting (TRANSCRIPT ATTACHED)

Provide a 600 to 800-word summary (formatted according to APA guidelines) of the new research in this area from a minimum of five new peer reviewed journal articles and identify questions that need exploring in future research.

Current Trends Paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss the themes that you found in the research from the 5 articles related to your topic. This paragraph should be a synthesis of the research and not just a listing of annotated summaries.

Future Research Paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss areas of future research by referencing the 5 articles that you identified. The future research areas should be based on the findings of the authors of those articles rather than general ideas you may have.

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