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As a review of the OSI model, select the appropriate answer to the following question:
Which of the following correctly describes the steps in the OSI data encapsulation process? (Choose two)
The transport layer divides a data stream into segments and may add reliability and flow control information.
The data link layer adds physical source and destination addresses and an FCS to the segment.
Packets are created when the network layer encapsulates a frame with source and destination host addresses and protocol-related control information.
Packets are created when the network layer adds Layer 3 addresses and control information to a segment.
The presentation layer translates bits into voltages for transmission across the physical link.
Select the appropriate answers and in a minimum one-page document, discuss why the answers you chose are correct and why the answers you didn’t choose were not correct. Then, discuss your feelings about this model in relation to how data travels and if there is a better way to explain it. This will take some thinking, as criticizing current (but older) models is not easy!
Option 2:
Look at the Process/Application layer protocols listed in the text. How have they changed since the publication of this book?
Choose one upper-layer protocol and describe the application protocol, how it is changed or replaced, and how it works now.
Make sure you list new benefits or problems with your choice.

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