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Conduct an internet search to find a recent news story regarding the use of educational technology. You may use the topics from the list below to guide your search. In your post, provide a summary of the topic. Make sure to include your understanding of the controversy surrounding the topic, as well as your view of the topic based on the learning in this course and prior knowledge you may have from previous courses or work-related experiences. Include the link to the news story or research associated with the topic you have chosen.
Current Issues Topic List:
● BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): personal technology devices in school
● Social media in school
● OER (Open Education Resources)
● Internet Access/ Access for all
● Accessibility/ Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
● Emergency Online Courses: coping with pandemics or other emergency situations

Part B-To create a digital poster, you will first choose the issue or trend from this week’s discussion that is most related to your current or future teaching situation. You will then create a digital infographic or poster using Smore or a similar free platform.
Your poster must include a summary of the issue you selected as well as the different points of view and relevant information about the topic. Make sure to also incorporate your understanding of Universal Design for Learning and accessibility to ensure that your digital poster is accessible.

Part C-Share Trending Now Posters
For the final learning activity, you will review your fellow students’ posters in a digital gallery walk, which you may also want to try out in your current or future teaching situation!
For this assignment, a slide deck will be shared with all students with one slide per student. On your slide, you will share the link to the digital poster you created. Make sure to leave room on your slide so you can collect feedback from your fellow students. To participate in the gallery walk, you will click through each of the posters in the deck and provide feedback or a response regarding what you have learned to at least 2 of your fellow peers by directly leaving a comment on the students’ slides.

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