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Based on what you learned from the readings while developing the concept map, what are some gaps in literature that you identified? Summarize briefly (you
may use bullet points for statements with citations) what is known about your topic, following with a statement(s) of what still needs to be researched.
Textbooks, blogs, magazine or internet articles, book chapters, or special reports, do not count toward the peer-reviewed minimum. Connections to the peer
reviewed references should be used throughout your writing with in-text citations and matching reference citations.
For your reference, I am a healthy, white 34-year old female from Kentucky. I am extremely active and spend a lot of time working out and eating healthy food.
Also, I am a college professor in the Exercise Science department and own an online fitness and nutrition coaching business. My dissertation topic is the
effect of daily vs. weekly check-ins for adherence in an online fitness & nutrition coaching program ). Please refer to this link for further explanation regarding
my dissertation topic ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/15iP494heIzm9H7gTWdo_Gs7Y3QErlDBWicy7Zdl51n0/edit)

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