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Study the graphic on page 3 which demonstrates the Ecological Systems Theory and read the article in the lesson resources section.

Once you have an understanding of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, find a brief YouTube video that you believe accurately explains all elements of the theory.

What do I submit?

Part 1

Provide the link to the YouTube video.
Answers to the following questions:
How does this video accurately explain the microsystem?
How does this video accurately explain the mesosytem?
How does this video accurately explain the macrosystem?
How does this video accurately explain the exosystem?
How does this video accurately explain the chronosystem?
What improvements can be made to the video?
Part 2

What is the microsystem?
What is the mesosystem?
What is the macrosystem?
What is the exosystem?
What is the chronosystem?

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