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Review the article, Romantic Relationship Development: The Interplay Between Age and Relationship Length. Respond to the following items:
Part 1: Evaluation
What are the findings of this study? Describe its purpose and what it aimed to study.
How do the qualities of short, medium, and long relationships change with age?
Beyond the article’s observations, what implications might their findings have for clinical work with young adults?
Part 2: Reflection
What was most interesting or surprising about this study’s findings?
How do the findings relate to our course material?
In what ways are the findings congruent with your personal experiences or those that you have observed?
Current APA formatting required
Minimum three sentences for each response
Journal Expectations and Rubrics

Lantagne, A. & Furman, W. (2017). Romantic relationship development: The interplay between age and relationship length.Developmental Psychology, 53(9): 1738-1740. https://www.ncbi.nlm.



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