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Conduct, interpret, and present results of a data analysis project. Your final deliverable for this Signature Assignment
will be formatted as a written narrative for a PowerPoint presentation (do not complete a powerpoint).
You will use this dataset to identify variables, write hypotheses, create an analysis plan, conduct descriiptive and inferential analyses in SPSS, and summarize
and interpret results.
The written narrative should contain the following information:
Identify the variables provided in your chosen dataset.
Be sure to note the level of measurement of each variable.
Propose at least three (4) hypotheses, which you can test in this dataset.
Prepare an analysis plan for each hypothesis (i.e., how will you analyze data to test each hypothesis).
Identify the appropriate descriiptive analysis required for your target variables.
Describe ways in which you will test your data for assumptions (e.g., normality, outliers, skewness, kurtosis, etc.)…

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