Returning to school to earn your next degree is a wonderful goal, and balancing family, work, and school can seem daunting. Often when focusing on one task, you lose track of others. That is why it is important to have a plan for stepping out of your other roles and into your new role as student. We all have multiple roles in life. Being engaged in your classwork requires you to plan, prioritize, and create a space in which learning takes place.
Submit a minimum 150-word Journal Assignment. Journal about one aspect of the classroom resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that surprised you. Additionally, journal about the following:
What concerns do you have about managing distractions and obtaining the support you need to be successful? Include how you plan to make certain that you have support, and how you will take personal responsibility for your own success.
Required Content… Discussed concerns about managing distractions and obtaining the support needed to be successful. Included information on support plans and taking personal responsibility for success.
40 pts
Writer successfully addressed all issues and questions given in the assignment details.
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